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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > Polyclonal_antibody > Oxford Biomedical Research/Anti Human PKC Panel of Polyclonal Antibodies/Kit/PK50
商品详细Oxford Biomedical Research/Anti Human PKC Panel of Polyclonal Antibodies/Kit/PK50
Oxford Biomedical Research/Anti Human PKC Panel of Polyclonal Antibodies/Kit/PK50
Oxford Biomedical Research/Anti Human PKC Panel of Polyclonal Antibodies/Kit/PK50
商品编号: PK50
品牌: oxfordbiomed
市场价: ¥18500.00
美元价: 9250.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 多克隆抗体
公司分类: Polyclonal_antibody
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
Product Overview

This panel contains one vial of each of the following antibodies: PK10, PK15, PK20, PK25, PK30, PK35, PK40 and PK45; and is useful for screening relative expression of PKC isoforms (alpha, beta I, beta II, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, and eta). Each vial contains sufficient antibody for at least 5 Western blots.PK10 Anti-PKC-alpha (Human) Peptide = 662Q-F-V-H-P-I-L-Q-S-S-V672PK15 Anti-PKC-beta I (Human) Peptide = 661S-Y-T-N-P-E-F-V-I-N-V671PK20 Anti-PKC-beta II (Human) Peptide = 661F-V-N-S-E-F-L-K-P-E-V-K-S673PK25 Anti-PKC-gamma (Human) Peptide = 681V-H-P-D-A-R-S-P-I-S-P-T-P-V-P-V-M697PK30 Anti-PKC-delta (Human) Peptide = 658 S-A-F-A-G-F-S-F-V-N-P-K-F-E-H-L-L-E-D 676PK35 Anti-PKC-epsilon (Human) Peptide = 721 N-Q-E-E-F-K-G-F-S-Y-F-G-E-D-L-M-P 737PK40 Anti-PKC-zeta (Human) Peptide = 575 F-E-G-F-E-Y-I-N-P-L-L-L-S-T-E-E-S-V 592PK45 Anti-PKC-eta (Human) Peptide = 666 N-Q-D-E-F-R-N-F-S-Y-V-S-P-E-L-Q-P 683

Spec Sheet
Oxford Biomedical Research(OBR)公司由Denis M. Callewaert博士于1984年建立。OBR公司开发,生产和销售检测试剂盒,重组蛋白和应用于生物医学和制药研究的抗体,现已具有400多种产品。我们产品的重点是对引发多种疾病的两大风险因素氧化应激和慢性炎症的生物标志物的识别与检测。我们采用专有技术,开发组织和疾病的特异性生物标志物。