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Oxford Biomedical Research/TBARS Assay for Food and Beverages/Kit/FS50

Product Overview
Off-flavor odor development in lipids and lipid containing foods is commonly attributed to the by-products of lipid peroxidation. Fats, oils, and other lipids react with oxygen to form peroxides, which further decompose to give aldehydes, including malonaldehyde (MDA) and hexanal - both of which are associated with deterioration in meats. Factors affecting the formation of lipid peroxidation products include how the product was stored, cooked, processed, and the addition of preservatives.
The traditional method used for detecting malonaldehyde is the 2-ThioBarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS) assay. Many TBARS methods have been used but all require samples to be heated to 100°C with a strong acid. These conditions generate colors that interfere with the TBARS assay and generates artificially high MDA values.
Our proprietary method is run at room temperature and is more specific for MDA and greatly reduces the interferences generated by other TBARS methods. This method is ideal for Meats, Oils, Cheeses, Cereals, Beverages, and most other foodstuffs.